12 Top Outbound Sales Call Script Examples to Win Leads Sarah Chan Rejante January 10, 2023
Sales outreach is not for the weak. A single phone call could be the difference between making a great impression and losing a potential deal. In fact, according to LinkedIn, 63% of sellers say cold calling is the worst part of their job.
An effective call script will help your sales team nurture leads as they move through the sales process—it's a sales tool that provides them with all of the information they need, and helps them navigate through all of the various situations they may encounter as they work to connect with and qualify leads.
Great outbound sales scripts ensure your sales managers and reps feel more confident, make more calls, and achieve better results. Having a broad set of sales scripts samples on hand is a great way to make sure all your sales reps can find one that works for them.

In this article, we cover common outbound call scenarios, explain how to write an outbound sales script, and arm you with 12 good outbound sales and call script examples.
What is an outbound call script, and why do I need one?
Outbound call scripts help sales teams avoid mistakes, remember key talking points, and streamline conversations when calling potential customers. A telesales script template allows for smoother interaction between salesperson and prospect, right from the first words the salesperson says, and boosts the chance of making a sale.
A great call sales script template will guarantee more effective sales calls with more consistent results, because all of your sales reps will be equipped with the right messaging and accurate information.
The 4 dos and don'ts of writing outbound call scripts
Ready to learn the ins and outs of the best telephone sales scripts? We've got you. Here are some tried-and-true cold calling tips to help you make it through an initial cold call.

1. Do research your lead and personalize your script
Your prospect likely receives many outbound sales calls every week. What sets yours apart?
The key lies in harnessing the power of personalization to create a stronger connection with your potential lead.
Your call should always include the following:
Their name.
Your name and company's name.
Their company's name.
The reason for your call.
Your unique value proposition (UVP).
2. Do identify pain points and how your product or service will address them
Merriam-Webster describes pain points as problems that continually trouble or irritate customers.
When drafting an outbound call center script for outbound sales calls, you should begin by identifying the most common pain points potential customers may encounter.
Your leads are more likely to stick around if they believe your product or service can eliminate or minimize a problem they are experiencing. Include questions in your sales call scripts that will help sales reps identify which pain points impact your potential customers the most.
3. Don't be too vague in your sales pitch
Speak to a specific company attribute or problem when suggesting the possible solutions your company can offer. Don't over-explain either. An effective sales call script will keep descriptions concise and to the point, without leaving out important details.
4. Don't overwhelm your prospect
You want your potential customer to know how great your product or service is. But you also don't want to inundate them with information. Avoid mentioning features that don't bring value to your prospective customer. Focus on the features that are relevant to them.
Learn more about how to write an effective outbound sales call script in this video by Patrick Dang:
With that out of the way, you're now ready for some cold calling script templates!
12 outbound sales call script examples
Your outbound sales call script is like the elevator pitch for your brand, service, or product. While we recommend your sales team tailors their calls to each individual lead, they don't necessarily have to start each call from scratch. Having an outbound call example template or sample script will simplify the preparation process so that they can make more sales calls, faster.

Here are 12 top outbound calling script templates to get you started.
1. Cold call script example
Writing a great cold calling script is a delicate art. Whether it's an outbound telemarketing script or a script for a free workshop, a cold call script needs to be informative and engaging, while also being conscious of a prospective customer's time.
Make sure that you research your prospect prior to making your outbound sales call. Personalizing your script by including details about your prospect's company can bridge the gap and help you connect with your prospect. The top 5 elements you should include in a cold calling script are:
A clear time limit for the call
A short, easy-to-digest explanation of your product or service
A brief overview of typical pain points and how your product or service addresses them.
An existing client's success story using your product or service (optional)
An opportunity for the customer to express interest in your product or service
Here's a simple example of a cold calling script that can be tailored to a wide variety of outbound telemarketing scripts:
Sales Rep: Hello [Prospect's Name]. This is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. How are you today?
Prospect: I'm great, how are you?
Sales Rep: Great! I'm calling today because I noticed on your [Social Media/Website] that [Fact About Prospect's Company]. Do you have five minutes to chat about how [Your Company] can help [Prospect's Company's Name] with [Problem]?
Prospect: Yes.
Sales Rep: What would you consider to be your greatest challenges with [Subject]?
Prospect: (Response)
Sales Rep: Well, [Your Company's Name] offers [Feature], [Feature] and [Feature], which could help you [Solution Offering]. [Client] used our [Feature] and was able to [Success Story].
Prospect: That's amazing!
Sales Rep: Thank you! I'd love to show you how [Prospect's Company Name] could achieve similar results. Are you available [Date and Time] to speak more in-depth with my colleague about a solution?
Prospect: Yes.
Sales Rep: Perfect! I'll send you a calendar invite to confirm our next call. Thank you [Prospect's Name] for speaking with me today!
2. Warm call script example
A warm call differs from a cold call in that the potential lead has already previously expressed interest or awareness of your brand, product, or service. Perhaps they interacted with you on social media, attended an event your company held or even received a newsletter or personalized email from you.
That means warm calls are easier to make than cold calls since you already have an existing connection between you and a prospect. If you'd like to seek out more warm call prospects, we recommend using Glass.io to connect with your website visitors. Gauge their interest in your product or service by tracking their journey on your website in real-time. Then, contact them through the app's video-calling feature while you have their attention.
Here's a warm call script example:
Sales Rep: Hello [Prospect's Name]. This is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. How are you today?
Prospect: I'm great, how are you?
(If your prospect interacted with you through social media/an event you held)
Sales Rep: I'm great! I'm calling because I [saw your comment on our recent post on/chatted with you previously at] [Social Media Platform/Event]. I think [Prospect's Company Name] could really benefit from our [Feature] and [Feature]. Could I schedule you for a [Length of Time] demo [Date and Time] to show you how they work in real-time?
(If your prospect interacted with you through social media/an event you held)
Sales Rep: I'm great! I'm calling because I noticed you were checking out our [Feature] and [Feature]. I'd love to show you how [Feature] could benefit [Prospect's Company Name]. Could I schedule you for a [Length of Time] demo [Date and Time] to show you how they work in real-time?
Prospect: Yes.
Sales Rep: Perfect! I'll send you a calendar invite and one of my colleagues will be in touch next week. Thanks for speaking with me, [Prospect's Name]!
3. Gatekeeper call script example
Occasionally, you may need to contact another person in order to reach a decision-maker. This person is referred to as a "gatekeeper" and may include a secretary, associate, assistant, or receptionist. The goal of this script sample is to gain access to a decision maker's contact information or persuade the gatekeeper to forward you to the right person.
Sales Rep: Hi there, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. I'm looking to connect with someone who manages [Department/Job Function]. Would you be able to direct me to the right contact?
Gatekeeper: That would be [Prospect's Name] in [Department].
Sales Rep: Perfect. If possible, I would like to get in touch with [Prospect's Name]. Could you let me know the best way to reach them?
4. Referral call script example
Often, businesses prefer to rely on people within their network to refer them to the right product or service. In fact, 91% of B2B purchasers say their purchases are influenced by word-of-mouth. That's why referrals are a valuable tool to get your foot in the door when trying to build a connection with leads. Even without a direct introduction, simply mentioning a common connection can bridge the gap between you and a prospective customer.
Your referral call script should start like this:
Sales Rep: Hello [Prospect's Name]. This is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. How are you today?
Prospect: Great, how are you?
(If you were referred to the prospect)
Sales Rep: I'm great! I'm calling because [Referrer] let me know that you've been experiencing some issues with [Pain Point] and would be a great fit for [Product/Service]. Do you have a minute to talk?
(If you have a mutual connection with the prospect)
Sales Rep: I'm great! I noticed we both [Work with/know] [Mutual connection], and I wanted to directly introduce myself. Do you have a minute to chat?
After this, you can introduce your company, product/service, and features similar to how you would during a cold call, then proceed to move towards scheduling an appointment.
5. Voicemail call script example
You won't always be able to reach a person on the first try. If your call goes to voicemail, don't worry! You still have a chance to make a great impression. Keep it short, but enticing. Don't forget to include all of the key information after the beep!
Hi [Prospect's Name],
This is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name].
I'm calling because I work with [Client] and they recently [Success story]. I'd love to help your brand do the same. Please call me back at your convenience and we can schedule a quick call. You can reach me at [Your Phone Number].
I look forward to hearing back! Have a great day.
6. Voicemail follow-up call script example
Your prospect might not get back to you after your first voicemail. They might not even get back to you after the second one. Perhaps they are on vacation, in meetings or are simply busy and haven't had a chance to check their voicemail. Don't be discouraged if they don't return your call. Instead, plan to follow-up within a few days or up to a week later if you don't hear back.
(If they answer)
Sales Rep: Hi [Prospect's Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. I'm so glad to connect with you. I'm calling to follow up on the voicemail I left you [Date you called]. Do you have a few minutes to chat?
Prospect: Yes.
Sales Rep: Great! I wanted to discuss how [Your Company's Name] could help you [Solution Offering] using our [Feature]. I mentioned in my previous message that our client [Client Name] recently [Success story]. I'd love to help [Prospect Company's Name] achieve similar results. Could I schedule you for a [Length of Time] demo [Date and Time] to show you how they work in real-time?
Prospect: Yes.
Sales Rep: Perfect! I'll send you a calendar invite and one of my colleagues will be in touch next week. Thank you for your time, [Prospect's Name]!
(If they don't answer)
Hi [Prospect's Name],
This is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name].
I'm calling to follow up on the message I left you on [Date]. I'd love to show you how [Your Company Name] could help you [Solution Offering]. Feel free to call me back at your convenience and we can schedule some time to chat. You can reach me at [Your Phone Number].
I look forward to hearing from you!
7. Final follow-up script example
If you've been chasing a lead for some time and nothing seems to land, it may be time to move on. This is where a "breakup" or final follow-up voicemail script comes into play. This is your last chance to get in contact with your potential lead.
Hi [Prospect's Name],
This is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name].
I know I've reached out quite a few times now, but I wanted to try one last time in case you missed my previous messages.
Based on [My research, your website, our previous conversation, etc.] you are a great fit for our [Product/Service] because of [Reason].
When you have a moment, please give me a call back so that we can discuss how we can [improve/boost] your [Subject/Problem] using our [Product/Service].
I look forward to hearing back from you soon!
8. Discovery call script example
Think of a discovery call like speed dating. A discovery call helps you collect insights on your leads and determine whether they are likely to convert to a sale. That way you can make sure you are following through with the most qualified leads and connecting with prospects that will get the most value from your product or service.
Your discovery call script should start like this:
Sales Rep: Hi [Prospect's Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. How are you today?
Prospect: I'm great, how are you?
Sales Rep: Great! I'm calling because I wanted to learn more about [Prospect Company's Name]. Do you have some time to answer a few questions?
Prospect: Yes
Sales Rep: Fantastic! I noticed on your [Social Media/Website] that [Fact About Prospect's Company]. Are you using any solutions or tools to help with [Typical pain point related to the fact]?
Here are some other questions you may want to include in your cold calling scripts:
What are the biggest challenges you are currently facing in your role?
What solutions or tools are you currently using to address these challenges?
Have you ever used a [Solution/Tool] before?
Have you ever heard of [Your Company's Name] before?
9. Promotional call script example
Limited-time deals and special offers are great ways to entice a prospective lead to move more quickly through the sales process and make a purchasing decision. Your special offer may be a free consultation, discount, or free trial.
Here's a promotional call script example:
Sales Rep: Hi [Prospect's Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. How are you today?
Prospect: I'm great, how are you?
Sales Rep: Great! I am reaching out to introduce [Your Company's Name] and let you know about a limited-time deal we are promoting for [Time]. Do you have five minutes to chat?
Prospect: Yes.
Sales Rep: Perfect! [Your Company's Name] is a [Company Description]. I noticed on your [Social Media/Website] that you currently have [Specific company attribute] and could benefit from our [Feature]. Would you be interested in learning more about our [Special offer]?
Prospect: Yes.
Sales Rep: Fantastic! What is the best email to reach you at? I can send over the details for you to review and a calendar invite so we can discuss next steps in the coming week.
From here, you can go on to schedule an appointment as you would in a typical appointment setting or cold call.
10. Negotiation call script example
Not every call is going to go according to plan. As much as every sales rep hopes outbound calling will go perfectly, it's important to anticipate objections and plan for them. That's why you should always have an alternative negotiation call script. If a prospect expresses interest but isn't available to talk, here's an negotiation call script example to try to reschedule your call for a better time.
Sales Rep: Hello [Prospect's Name]. This is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. How are you today?
Prospect: I'm great, how are you?
Sales Rep: Great! I'm calling today because I noticed on your [Social Media/Website] that [Fact About Prospect's Company]. Do you have five minutes to chat about how [Your Company] can help [Prospect's Company's Name] with [Problem]?
Prospect: I'm sorry. Now isn't the best time...
Sales Rep: Not a problem! I'd love to schedule a call with you at a more convenient time. When is the best time to reach you?
Prospect: [Date/Time]
Sales Rep: Perfect! I will send you a calendar invite and call you back [Date/Time]. Thank you for your time and have a great day!
11. Follow-up call script example
After a successful appointment, it's your account executive's job to execute on their sales strategy and nurture the lead toward making a purchase. A quick follow-up email or call will keep your brand top of mind. Here's an example:
Account Executive: Hi [Prospect's Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company's Name]. How have you been?
Prospect: I've been great! How about you?
Account Executive: Same here! I wanted to follow up on our previous call to see if you had any questions. Based on our [Demo/Appointment/Discussion], [Your Company's Name]'s [Product/Service] is a great fit for your needs, and I'd like to move to the next stage in the process. Is that something you're ready for?
(If Prospect says yes)
Account Executive: Fantastic! I'd love to get this moving so we can get [Product/Service] in your hands. I'll [Describe next steps]. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out.
(If Prospect says no)
Account Executive: No worries at all! Thank you for your time. I'll connect with you in a month to see if anything has changed. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
12. Auto sales phone script example
Referrals are among the best ways for car dealerships to get more business. In this script, you will learn how to communicate with your prospects and learn more about their needs so that you can find the perfect car for them.
Account executive: Hello, [Prospect’s Name]?
Prospect: Yes
Account executive: I am [Name] from [car dealership]. I recently worked with a [referral: friend/neighbor/coworker] of yours. They purchased a [Vehicle Name] with us, and they mentioned you might be interested. Have you seen their new car?
Prospect: [Yes/No]
Account executive: Since we get most of our business from referrals, such as people like [referral] and you, [Prospect’s Name], I thought of calling you to get to know your needs better. What are you driving right now?
Prospect: [X vehicle]
Account executive: Are you facing any challenges around driving [X vehicle]?
Prospect: [Describes problem]
Move the conversation toward the next step in your process, such as getting them to come down to your dealership, etc.
Frequently asked questions
Is there a recommended length for a cold calling script?
Cold calls that go beyond 9 minutes do not usually result in a meeting. For a well-written outbound sales call, the sweet spot for phone calls is between 4-9 minutes. Voicemails, on the other hand, should be even shorter; ideally around 20-30 seconds.
Do I need to follow a sales script word-for-word?
Following an outbound sales call script word-for-word will make you sound robotic and unnatural. What we recommend instead—practice the script so that you have a strong grasp of the core content, then go with the flow of the conversation. An outbound script is a guide that helps your sales professionals take the stress out of writing a great outbound sales call script so they can focus on making more cold calls.
What's the difference between an inbound sales call script and an outbound sales call script?
Inbound calls target prospects who have already shown interest in a product or service and initiated contact with the company. On the other hand, outbound calls target cold prospects, and the sales representative initiates contact with them. Therefore, inbound sales calls focus on building rapport and addressing specific needs of the prospect while outbound sales call scripts aim to generate interest and create awareness about a product or service.
In closing
Effective outbound call scripts will help you maintain consistency, accuracy, and efficiency across all of your sales team's outbound calls. Phone scripts will also help you generate stronger, more qualified leads in a shorter amount of time. Use this guide to help your B2C or B2B sales professionals take the stress out of writing a great outbound sales call script.
Sarah Chan Rejante is a digital marketer and social media coordinator based in Toronto, Canada. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations from Humber College and is passionate about marketing and getting in front of customers in the right way.
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With Glass.io, you can reach across the screen and help visitors make a buy decision. See exactly how visitors use your website in realtime, trigger a notification to the right sales rep when they show buying intent, and start a personalized conversation (chat or video) at the perfect moment.
Plug your leaky sales pipeline by engaging with your website visitors while you have their attention. Sign up for an account here.